Visita della scuola di moda bulgara “Princess Maria Luisa” di Sofia

In questi giorni la nostra scuola ha ricevuto la visita di una scuola di Sofia ad indirizzo Moda. Venti studenti accompagnati dai loro insegnanti hanno visitato i nostri laboratori ed il Museo delle Macchine Tessili.

I nostri studenti hanno mostrato loro alcuni trattamenti e analisi sui materiali tessili, la progettazione e la fabbricazione di un tessuto, i trattamenti in capo sui jeans. Parlando in inglese gli studenti si sono scambiati informazioni sui rispettivi corsi e materie studiate. La visita si è conclusa con lo scambio di piccoli doni e la foto ricordo con la Dirigente Scolastica.

In these days our school recived a visit from “Princess Maria Luisa” Fashion School of Sofia (Bulgaria). 20 students together with their teachers visited our laboratories and The Museum of Textile Machine.

Our students showed them some operations and test on textile materials, project and manufacture of fabric, and the finish of jeans. Speaking in English students gave each others information on their courses and subject. Visit is ended with exchange small gifts.


Galleria fotografica della visita:

Pubblichiamo la lettera di ringraziamento ricevuta dalla scuola di moda bulgara:


Dear Mr.Luigi Visona, Thank you very much for the lesson attached, the presentations yesterday and for the whole warm welcome you and your students had prepared for us!!! We all are very impressed and delighted!

All my students are happy, enthousiastic, very satisfied from the experience and the workshops – today everybody commented that they would like to stay more in your school and that they have learned a lot! My colleagues also have seen many interesting and professionally enriching things – please, accept their thankfulness too! Thank you also for the charming surprise with the special gifts, made on the loops.

I’m really sorry I couldn’t join in today becuse of the long waiting in Vicenza hospital. But I have been told for everything and felt the day emotions through my students, eyes.

I’ll send you the pictures from the school when I am back to Sofia, because I don’t have a cable to download them here. Thank you very much again for everything! I hope we will stay in touch and one day our school will have the chance to be your host! Please, feel always welcome in Sofia! Please, send our warm wishes and Lots of thankfullness to your principle, to the colleagues and to your lovely students!

Vanya Karamanova
Vocational High School of fashion and design “Princess Maria Luisa”
Sofia – Bulgaria 


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